Backgrounding Chained Commands in Bash

Sometimes it’s desirable to have a chain of commands backgrounded so that a multi-step process can be run in parallel. And often times its not desirable to have yet another script made to do a simple task that doesn’t warrant the added complexity. An example of this would be running backups in parallel. The script sniplet below would allow up to 4 simultaneous tar backups to run at once — recording the start and stop times of each individually — and then wait for all the tar processes to finish before exiting

for i in 1 3 5 7 2 4 6 8
 cur_tar_count=$(ps wauxxx | grep -v grep | grep tar | wc -l)
 if [ $cur_tar_count -ge $max_tar_count ]
  while [ $cur_tar_count -ge $max_tar_count ]
   sleep 60
   cur_tar_count=$(ps wauxxx | grep -v grep | grep tar | wc -l)
 ( echo date > /backups/$i.start &&
     tar /backups/$i.tar  /data/$i &&
     echo date > /backups/$i.stop )&
cur_tar_count=$(ps wauxxx | grep -v grep | grep tar | wc -l)
while [ $cur_tar_count -gt 0 ]
 sleep 60
 cur_tar_count=$(ps wauxxx | grep -v grep | grep tar | wc -l)

The real magick above is highlighted in red. You DO want that last loop in there to make the script wait until all the backups are really done before exiting.

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