I find that, after keeping alive a database whose size I cant comment on specifically, on a budget that I cant comment on specifically (which would shock you if only you knew), I’ve become aloof to a great many people and their MySQL war stories… 300Mb, 1Gb, 100Gb, 1Tb, HAH! HAH I SAY! Here’s a quarter call someone who’ll be impressed.
Next time you have to move your datacenter across the country (literally coast to coast,) and you cant let your application go down, and you have 14 days to plan and execute, alone, oh and you cant cease taking information in on the old coast until you start can taking it in on the new coast, with over 1Tb of data to move, and replication to deal with… Oh, yea, and you dont get to take a break from running the old datacenter to impliment the new one, you have to do both simultaneously… yea… then come knock on my door.
Till then go take your 2Gb “one server is enough but i have a second server for backup purposes” MySQL (or any brand really) database, and be thankful you arent playing with the big boys. I’ve had the potential to lose more data to a power outage than you’ve got total.
Ahh … Pride comes before the fall. Of course how far do you have to fall?
You are, no doubt, a Big Boy though.
Indeed, I probably have a long way to fall. But I am a big boy, and I'll take it when it's given! Thanks for the comment!
There's always a bigger fish 😉