Well at the zoo we lost a pair of glasses, so off to lensecrafters… no eye exam in 3 years… so eye exam… 2 hors for glasses… and WHAM a day thats supposed to end at 4:00pm ends at 9:00pm… sigh… we now return you to your regularly scheduled blogging.
Adventures in babysitting
So apparently I, and my wife, are signed up to babysit… well… a baby (or very young kid)… so I guess I’ll be on my best behavior and do my best not to step on her by accident :) Seriously though… We’ll be going to the zoo, so thats cool. I haven’t been to a zoo in ages. I may come home early, and not stay the full 6 or however many hours. Welp. Time to go pack up the ol’ iBook
“Somebody steal it already”
Thre’s a car alarm going off across the street. Been going off for like 10 minutes now. All my wife can say is “somebody steal it already!” I maintain that for this very reason car alarms don’t work: Nobody cares. My wife didnt look, I didnt look, heck the owner figured it was somebody else’s and didn’t look either. Whens the last time you investigated an alarm going off? Me either!
nasty regex
I’m putting this here for documentation purposes… Because getting it right was a very frustrating ordeal (I’d never had to match both positively and negatively in the same regex before)
what this is, essentially, saying is “true if the string doesnt match ^.+\.php and the string matches ^.*(\.jpg|\.jpeg|\.gif|\.ico|\.png)” The last bit: “|^$” never returns true in my case,because we’re matching on URI’s which are always at least one character long ( “/” )
All things being equal, the simplest solution tends to be the best one.
Occam’s razor strikes again!
Tonight we ran into an interesting problem. A web service – with a very simple time-elapsed check – started reporting negatives… Racking our brain, pouring over the code, produced nothing. It was as if the clock were jumping around randomly! No! On a whim Barry checked it and the clock was, indeed, jumping around…
# while [ 1 ]; do date; sleep 1; done Wed May 30 04:37:52 UTC 2007 Wed May 30 04:37:53 UTC 2007 Wed May 30 04:37:54 UTC 2007 Wed May 30 04:37:55 UTC 2007 Wed May 30 04:37:56 UTC 2007 Wed May 30 04:37:57 UTC 2007 Wed May 30 04:37:58 UTC 2007 Wed May 30 04:37:59 UTC 2007 Wed May 30 04:38:00 UTC 2007 Wed May 30 04:38:01 UTC 2007 Wed May 30 04:38:02 UTC 2007 Wed May 30 04:38:19 UTC 2007 Wed May 30 04:38:21 UTC 2007 Wed May 30 04:38:22 UTC 2007 Wed May 30 04:38:23 UTC 2007 Wed May 30 04:38:24 UTC 2007 Wed May 30 04:38:08 UTC 2007 Wed May 30 04:38:09 UTC 2007 Wed May 30 04:38:10 UTC 2007 Wed May 30 04:38:28 UTC 2007 Wed May 30 04:38:12 UTC 2007 Wed May 30 04:38:30 UTC 2007 Wed May 30 04:38:31 UTC 2007 Wed May 30 04:38:32 UTC 2007 Wed May 30 04:38:33 UTC 2007 Wed May 30 04:38:34 UTC 2007 Wed May 30 04:38:35 UTC 2007 Wed May 30 04:38:19 UTC 2007 Wed May 30 04:38:20 UTC 2007 Wed May 30 04:38:21 UTC 2007 Wed May 30 04:38:22 UTC 2007 Wed May 30 04:38:40 UTC 2007 Wed May 30 04:38:41 UTC 2007 Wed May 30 04:38:42 UTC 2007 Wed May 30 04:38:43 UTC 2007 Wed May 30 04:38:44 UTC 2007
wordpress.com squeezed out another baby last night
Congrats to http://claudiacanals.wordpress.com/ which happens to be our one millionth hosted blog. This happened around 11:38pm PDT, and weighed 7lbs 6oz
MySQL Tip: HAVING is your friend
Often times you end up with the need to pull something from the database conditionally depending upon some other criteria. For example, given the following table, how would list the first names shared by one or more people?
table: users col: firstname col: lastname
Commonly people will either put in a counter somewhere or it will be done with some loops in the application itself (which is a tremendously bad idea.)
But MySQL gives you a handy dandy way of doing exactly this task using GROUP BY and HAVING
SELECT firstname FROM users GROUP BY firstname HAVING count(firstname) > 1;
Thats pretty easy Now on a large table you will want to have the column(s) that you do this on indexed.
PHP CLI Status Indicator
Most times when people write command line scripts they just let the output flow down the screen as a status indicator, or just figure “it’s done when it’s done” But sometimes it would be nice to have a simple clean status indicator, allowing you to monitor progress and gauge time-to-completion. This is actually very easy to accomplish. Simply use
instead of
in your output. Obviously the example below is very simplified, and this can be applied in a much more sophisticated fashion. But it works.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | <font style= "color: darkred" > $row_count = get_total_rows_for_processing();</font> $limit =10000; <font style= "color: darkred" > echo "\r\n[ 0%]" ;</font> for ( $i =0; $i < = $row_count ; $i = $i + $limit ) { $query = "SELECT * FROM table LIMIT {$limit} OFFSET {$i}" ; // do whatever <font style= "color: darkred" > $pct = round ((( $i + $offset )/ $row_count )*100); if ( $pct < 10 ) { echo "\r[ $pct%]" ; } else { if ( $pct < 100 ) { echo "\r[ $pct%]" ; } else { echo "\r[$pct%]" ; } }</font> } <font style= "color: darkred" > echo "\r[100%]\r\n" ;</font> |
Backgrounding Chained Commands in Bash
Sometimes it’s desirable to have a chain of commands backgrounded so that a multi-step process can be run in parallel. And often times its not desirable to have yet another script made to do a simple task that doesn’t warrant the added complexity. An example of this would be running backups in parallel. The script sniplet below would allow up to 4 simultaneous tar backups to run at once — recording the start and stop times of each individually — and then wait for all the tar processes to finish before exiting
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 | max_tar_count=4 for i in 1 3 5 7 2 4 6 8 do cur_tar_count=$( ps wauxxx | grep - v grep | grep tar | wc -l) if [ $cur_tar_count - ge $max_tar_count ] then while [ $cur_tar_count - ge $max_tar_count ] do sleep 60 cur_tar_count=$( ps wauxxx | grep - v grep | grep tar | wc -l) done fi <font color= "red" >( echo date > /backups/ $i.start &&< /font > <font color= "red" > tar /backups/ $i. tar /data/ $i &&< /font > <font color= "red" > echo date > /backups/ $i.stop )&< /font > done cur_tar_count=$( ps wauxxx | grep - v grep | grep tar | wc -l) while [ $cur_tar_count -gt 0 ] do sleep 60 cur_tar_count=$( ps wauxxx | grep - v grep | grep tar | wc -l) done |
The real magick above is highlighted in red. You DO want that last loop in there to make the script wait until all the backups are really done before exiting.
You’re only ever done debugging for now.
I’m the kinda guy who owns up to my mistakes. I also strive to be the kinda guy who learns from them. So I figured I would pass this on as some good advice from a guy who’s “screwed that pooch”
There was a project on which I was working, and that project sent me e-mail messages with possible problem alerts. All was going well, and at some point I turned off those alerts. I don’t remember when. And I don’t remember why. Which means I was probably “Cleaning up” the code. It was, after all, running well (I guess.) But along comes a bug introduced with new functionality (ironically a from somewhere WAAAAAAY up the process chain from my project). And WHAM, errors up the wazzoo. But no e-mails. Oops. Needless to say the cleanup process was long and tedious… especially for something that was avoidable.
I’ve since put the alerting code back into the application, and have my happy little helpers in place fixing the last of the resulting issues.
The lesson to be taken from this is that you’re only ever done debugging for now. Because tomorrow that code, thats working perfectly now, wont be working perfectly anymore. And that the sources for entropy are, indeed, endless.