HA EC2 Part #2: Load Balancing the Load Balancer

Lets first address the problem of the dynamic IP address on the load balancer, because it doesn’t matter how good your EC2-side setup is if your clients can no longer reach your load balancer after a reboot. Also complicated because normally you want two load balancers to act as a fail-over pair in case one of them pops for some reason. Which means that we not only need to have the load balancers register with something somewhere we also need a method of de-registering them if, for some reason, they fail. And since downed machines usually don’t do a good job f anything useful we cannot count on them de-registering themselves unless we’re shutting them down manually. Which we don’t really plan on doing, now, do we?!

So here’s the long and short of the situation. Some piece of it, some starting point has to be outside the cloud. Now I know what you’re thinking: “but he just said we weren’t going to be talking about outside the cloud” but no, no, I did not say that; I said that we weren’t going to be talking about running a full proxy outside the cloud. I read that the EC2 team are working on a better solution for all of this, but for right now it’s in a roll your own state, so lets roll our own, shall we?

The basic building block of any web request is DNS. When you type in www.amazonaws.com your machine automagically checks with DNS servers somewhere, somehow, and eventually gets an IP address like this: Now there can be multiple steps in this process, for example when we looked up www.amazonaws.com it *actually* points to rewrite.amazon.com, and finally rewrite.amazon.com points to And this is a process we’re going to take advantage of. But first, some discussion on the possible ramifications of doing this:

DNS (discussed above) is a basic building block of how the internet works. And as such has had a dramatic amount of code written concerning it over the years. And the one type of code which may cause us grief at this stage is the caching proxy server. Now normally when you look up a name you’re asking your ISP’s DNS servers to look the name up for you, and since it doesn’t know it asks one of the primary name servers which server in the internet handles naming for that domain. once it finds that out it asks, a lot like this: “excuse me pdns1.ultradns.net, what is the address for rewrite.amazon.com?” to which your ISP gets a reply a lot like “The address for rewrite.amazon.com is but thats only valid for 5 minutes.” So for 5 minutes the DNS server is supposed to be allowed to remember that information. So after 4 minutes when you ask again it doesn’t go to the source, it simply spouts off what it found out before. However after 5 minutes it’s supposed to check again… But some DNS servers ignore that amount of time (called a Time To Live (TTL)) and cache that reply for however long they feel like (hours, days, weeks?!) And when this happens a client might not get the right IP address if there has been a change and a naughty caching DNS server refuses to look it up for another week.

Alas, there is nothing we can do to fix that. I only mention it so that people don’t come knocking down my door yelling at me about a critical design flaw when it comes to edge cases. And to caution you: when your instance is a load balancer. It’s *ONLY* a load balancer. Don’t use it to run cron jobs, I don’t care if it’s got extra space and RAM, just leave it be. Because the fewer things happening with your load balancer the fewer chances of something going wrong, and the lower the chance of a new IP address, and the lower the chance of running into the above problem if the IP address doesn’t change, right? right!

So when you choose a DNS service you choose one which meets the following criteria:

  • API, you need scriptable access to your DNS service
  • Low (1-2 minutes) TTL
    (so that when something changes you only have 60 or 120 seconds to wait)

Ideally you will have two load balancer images. LB1 and LB2 (for the sake of me not having to type long names every time). You can do this dynamically (i.e. X number of load balancers off the same image), and if you’re a good enough scriptor to be able to do it, then HOW to do it should be fairly obvious.

When LB1 starts up it will automatically register itself at lb1.example.com via your DNS providers API. It will then check for the existence of lb.example.com, if thats not set then it will create it as pointing to itself. If lb.example.com was previously set it till preform a check (HTTP GET (or even a ping)) to make sure that LB2 (which is currently “active” at lb.example.com) is functional. If LB2 is not functional LB1 registers itself as lb.example.com. LB2 performs the same startup sequence, but with lb1 and lb2 switched where necessary.

Now, at regular intervals (lets say 60 seconds), LB1 checks the health of LB2 and vic a versa. If something happens to one of them the other will, if necessary, register itself at lb.example.com.

Well, I think that basically covers the portion of how this would work outside the EC2 cloud, next I’ll deal with what happens inside the EC2 cloud. (piece not written yet… so it’ll take a bit longer than the last two)

13 thoughts on “HA EC2 Part #2: Load Balancing the Load Balancer

  1. yes, you can definately do that. lb1 and lb2 names are mainly there for ease of administration. It's a lot handier to just "ssh lb1.foo.com" than listing your instances and finding the one which is a load balancer.

  2. David Masover says:

    Here's an idea I'm toying with:

    ANY dns service (dyndns.com, zoneedit.com, xname.org, etc) which can run in slave mode.

    Then, use some EC2 instance — probably your load balancers — as a powerdns master. I chose powerdns because, after looking at just about every DNS server and library I could find, it's the closest to a pluggable/scriptable server.

    Mainly, it has a 'pipe' API, in which it communicates via stdin/stdout with a simple, tab-delimited format. It's not entirely documented, but I was able to get the SOA field working by using spaces to delimit the actual SOA data.

    This will not perform incredibly well, but it doesn't have to. All it really has to do is implement AXFR, and maybe do some local resolution for your other EC2 instances.

    Of course, you have to tell them (somehow) if the master changes, and it may take a bit longer for those changes to propagate. But it means that you can do pretty much anything with your DNS. It also means that rather than learn a whole new API for your entire DNS implementation, you only have to learn it for the one operation of updating the master IP address — could be as simple as a single POST.

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