
This is a small hack I did to the excellent SWFUpload script (v 1.0.2) which allows you to specify what variable you would like the file to be uploaded as. You are, therefor, no longer chained to using “Filedata” you could use “Photo,” “Document,” “Movie,” or whatever. Granted in the grand scheme of things this isn’t *that* important, but it *does* make it easier to drop the swfupload script on top of an existing application without having to try and zip-tie it into place.

You can download it, its modified javascript, and its source here

One thought on “SWFUpload-PostVarMod

  1. Lionel says:

    Thanks for script. Sounds like what I need. I am looking for a way to dynamically rename the image, or to at least have access to that info at thubnail creation. Perhaps that could also be used to send a $width and a $height to thumbnail.php?

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