Command line arguments in bash scripts

This is something that has always annoyed me about bash scripts… The fact that it’s difficult to run

/path/to/ --foo=bar -v -n 10 blah -one='last arg'

So I decided to write up a bash function that let me easily (once the function was complete) access this type of information. And because I like sharing, here it is:

function getopt() {
  for (( i=1; i< =$#; i+=1 )); do
    if [ "$var" = "" ]; then 
    echo \ $var | grep -q -- '='
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
      ## -*param=value
      var=$(echo \ $var | sed -r s/'^[ ]*-*'/''/)
      eval "${myvar}"="'$myval'"
      echo \ $var | grep -E -q -- '^[ ]*-'
      if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
        # -*param$
        var=$(echo \ $var | sed -r s/'^[ ]*-*'/''/)
        eval "${var}"=1
        echo \ $var | grep -E -- '^[ ]*-'
        if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
          # the current one has a dash, so cannot be
          # the argument to the last parameter
        if [ $wantarg -eq 1 ]; then
          # parameter argument
          eval "${var}"="'${val}'"
          # parameter
          if [ "${!var}" = "" ]; then
            eval "${var}"=1

OIFS=$IFS; IFS=$(echo -e "
"); getopt $@; IFS=$OIFS

now at this point (assuming the above command line parameter and script) I should have access to the following variables: $foo ("bar") $v (1) $n (10) $blah (1) $one ("last arg"), like so:

OIFS=$IFS; IFS=$(echo -e "
"); getopt $@; IFS=$OIFS

echo -e "

You might be curious about this line:

OIFS=$IFS; IFS=$(echo -e "
"); getopt $@; IFS=$OIFS

IFS is the variable that tells bash how strings are separated (and mastering its use will go a long way towards enhancing your bash scripting skills.) Anyhow, by default IFS=” ” which normally is OK, but in our case we dont want “last arg” to be two seperate strings, but one. I cannot put the IFS assignment inside the function because by that point bash has already split the variable, it needs to be done at a level of the script in which $@ has not been touched yet. So I store the current IFS variable in $OIFS (Old IFS) and set IFS to a newline character. After running the function we reassign IFS to what it was beforehand. This is because I dont know what you might be doing with your IFS. There are lots of reasons you might have already assigned it to something else, and I wouldnt want to break your flow. So we do the polite thing.

And in case the above gets munged for some reason you can see the plain text version here: bash-getopt/

Anyways, hope this helps someone out. If not it’s still here for me when *I* need it πŸ˜‰

12 thoughts on “Command line arguments in bash scripts

  1. Hi there, thanks for the snippet. I use it for a shell script but I found a error / shortcomming:

    <code> –file "foobar" –arguments "–foo"


    This will fail with "line XY: foo: command not found", where XY points to the line:

    eval "${var}"=1

    (i.e. the first occurence of that, i.e. after var=$(echo $var | sed -r s/'^[ ]*-*'/''/) )

    Could you possibly fix this?

    PS: You might want to setup a GeSHi plugin for wordpress, that way your script will get highlighted properly. If not – drop me a mail, I'm a developer there πŸ™‚

    Thank you!

  2. Bash has a built in function called getopts which does help with parsing command line arguement (help getopts for more info), but your solution seems to be a heck of a lot easier to use.

    Thanks for sharing!


  3. Two comments:

    1. Instead of

    OIFS=$IFS; IFS=$(echo -e "n"); getopt $@; IFS=$OIFS

    you could also just write

    getopt "$@"

    2. It may be a security problem if the getopt function may write any variable in the normal namespace of the script. So, it's better to prefix each variable by e.g. "arg_". So –name bothie won't get name="bothie" but arg_name="bothie".

    Regards, Bodo

  4. Oh, and another thing.

    @Milian Wolff:

    It doesn't make a difference if you write –file "foobar" –arguments "–foo"

    or if you write –file "foobar" –arguments –foo

    For this reason the script should be updates to allow for arguments like "–arguments=–foo"

    Regards, Bodo

  5. >>> For this reason the script should be updates to allow for arguments like “–arguments=–foo”

    Watching closer on the script I discovered, that the script already support that style of arguments.

    However, it doesn't support other things. Imagine

    mv -i oldname newname

    This would lead to i=oldname and newname -> ???

    In short: This script helps in parsing command line options, but it isn't the non-plus-ultra yet.

    Regards, Bodo

  6. Doug says:

    This is a pretty retarded and feature-lacking re-invention of the wheel. Seriously:

    help getopt;

    It's a bash built-in (and mostly compatible binaries that the built-in was based off of exist on any sane system even without bash!).

    Example usage:

    # Parse commandline options.

    GETOPT="$(getopt -o c:olhdfs –long children:,stdout,syslog,help,dry-run,force,status -n "$0" — "$@")"

    if [ "$?" -gt '0' ]; then

    echo "$USAGE"

    exit 1


    eval set — "$GETOPT"

    while true; do

    case "$1" in

    -h|–help) echo "$USAGE"; exit 0 ;;

    -c|–children) if [ "$2" -gt '0' ] >/dev/null 2>&1; then





    echo "Number of children MUST be an integer.";

    exit 1;



    -o|–stdout) TTYOUT=1; shift ;;

    -l|–syslog) SYSLOGOUT=1; shift ;;

    -d|–dry-run) TTYOUT=1; DRYRUN=1; shift ;;

    -s|–status) TTYOUT=1; STATUSONLY=1; shift ;;

    -f|–force) FORCE=1; shift ;;

    –) shift; break ;;

    *) echo "Invalid Option ${1}."; echo "$USAGE"; exit 1 ;;



  7. He's right, y'know.

    getopt works quite marvelously, and re-inventing the wheel is pretty retarded.

    Six levels of nesting, just to parse parameters looks like a maintainability nightmare, compared to a single, simple while/case loop.

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