Just what you need to know to write a CouchDB reduce function

Lets say you have the CouchDB classes (located here) all compiled together and included into your test.php script. Lets also say that you have created a database with the built-in web ui called “testing”. Finally let us say that your test.php has the following code in it, which would add a record to the db every time it is run. (i know that the data in the document serves no useful purpose… but really I just want to figure out this map/reduce thing so that I can make awesome views… so this suffices sufficiently.)

require_once dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . '/includes/couchdb.php';
$couchdb = new CouchDB('testing', 'localhost', 5984);
$key = microtime();
$result = $couchdb->send(
            "_id" => md5($key),
            "time" => $key,
            'md5' => md5($key),
            'sha1' => sha1($key),
            'crc' => crc32($key)

After running the code a bunch of times you would end up with a bunch of documents which look more or less like this:

picture-1(click for full size)

Now lets say you want to write a view that told you what the first characters of the _id were and how many documents share that first letter. This is analogous to the following in MySQL

SELECT LEFT(md5, 1) AS `lchar`, count(md5) FROM `md5table` GROUP BY `lchar`

Your map function is easy, because you dont have any selection criteria, so we process all rows

function(doc){ emit(doc._id,doc); }

The reduce function is where the actual programming comes in… And it seems there aren’t many well explained examples of exactly how to do this (I just brute forced it by trial and error)

function(key, values, rereduce) { 
    var output = {};
    if ( rereduce ) { 
        // key is null, and values are values returned by previous calls
	// see http://wiki.apache.org/couchdb/Introduction_to_CouchDB_views
	// essentially we are taking the previously reduced view, and the 
	// reduced view for new records, and we are reducing those two things
	// together.  Summarizing two summaries, essentially
        for ( var i in values ) {
	    // here we have multiple prebuilt output objects and we're simply combining them
  	    // just like below we have an array with a numeric id and an output object
	    // retrieve a summary
            var vals = values[i];
            for ( var key in vals ) {
		// debugging
                // log(key);
		// store in or increment our new output object 
                if ( output[key] == undefined )
                    output[key] = vals[key];
                    output[key] = output[key] + vals[key];
    } else {
        // key is an array, which we dont care about, and values are the 
	// values returned by the map
	// see http://wiki.apache.org/couchdb/Introduction_to_CouchDB_views
	// we are taking each document and processing that, reducing it down
	// to a summary object (output) for each of the rows passed
        for ( var i in values ) {
	    // we have an array, values, with numeric ids and a document objects
	    // retrieve a document
            var doc = values[i];
	    // get what we want from it, the first char of the md5
            var key = doc._id.substr(0, 1);
	    // debugging
            // log( key + " :: " + doc._id );
	    // store or increment the output object
            if ( output[key] !== undefined )
                output[key] = output[key] + 1;
                output[key] = 1;
    // done
    return output;

and in code, using a temporary view, ( if you used this view all the time you would want to make it permanent… but this is about how to lay out a reduce function, nothing more ) so request code that looks like this

$view = array(
    'map' => 'function(doc){ emit(doc._id,doc); }',
    'reduce' => '
        function(key, values, rereduce) { 
            var output = {};
            if ( rereduce ) { 
                // key is null, and values are values returned by previous calls
                for ( var i in values ) {
                    var vals = values[i];
                    for ( var key in vals ) {
                        // log(key);
                        if ( output[key] == undefined )
                            output[key] = vals[key];
                            output[key] = output[key] + vals[key];
            } else {
                // key is an array, which we dont care about, and values are the values returneb by the map
                for ( var i in values ) {
                    var doc = values[i];
                    var key = doc._id.substr(0, 1);
                    // log( key + " :: " + doc._id );
                    if ( output[key] !== undefined )
                        output[key] = output[key] + 1;
                        output[key] = 1;
            return output;
$result = $couchdb->send('/_temp_view', 'POST', json_encode($view) );

would give you output that looks like this:

stdClass Object
    [rows] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => 
                    [value] => stdClass Object
                            [0] => 15
                            [1] => 17
                            [2] => 16
                            [3] => 13
                            [4] => 27
                            [5] => 18
                            [6] => 26
                            [7] => 15
                            [8] => 18
                            [9] => 21
                            [a] => 12
                            [b] => 23
                            [c] => 20
                            [d] => 27
                            [e] => 28
                            [f] => 26




I hope this helps somebody out.

2 thoughts on “Just what you need to know to write a CouchDB reduce function

  1. Tom says:

    thank you. this did help me out. Although i would like to point what i think is a small flaw in your map and reduce functions. As far as i can tell your map function can simply emit something like (doc.id, null) and you in your reduce function you could just use 'keys[0]' (and count the amount with keys.length) instead of 'values[0].id'. CouchDB's documentation warns against emitting the entire document as this effectively doubles all your data on disk and causes your database to grow much faster. Instead emit only what you really need, which in this case is only the id.

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