SVN + RoR = Passive Version Controlled Goodness!

While working with both rails and subversion (which I like using to keep my projects under version control) I was irritated by having to go through and add or delete a bunch of files when using the code generation tools. Especially when first putting the project together, there always seemed to be 6 new files to manually add before every commit… So I wrote a script to handle the adding of new, and removing of missing files for a commit.

IGNORE_DIRS="^\?[ ]{6}log$|^\?[ ]{6}logs$|^\?[ ]{6}tmp$"
for i in $(svn st | grep -Ev $IGNORE_DIRS | grep -E "^\?")
    i=$(echo $i | cut -d' ' -f7-1000)
    svn add $i
for i in $(svn st | grep -E "^!")
    i=$(echo $i | cut -d' ' -f7-1000)
    svn del $i

Now I just ./ and then svn ci and everything is always version controlled. Very nice. The only thing you have to watch out for is leaving files laying around (I’ve had a couple commits which, along with code, also involved removing a vim .swp file or two)

I would be willing to bet that this script would be a decent foundation for a passively version-controlled-directory system if anyone were to want to do something like that with svn (think mail stores, or home directories or anything in which files or directories are added or removed often). This is mainly needed because svn was designed to be an active version control system

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