EC2 S3 PGSQL WAL PITR Infinidisk: The backend stack that just might change web services forever!

I have written mostly about MySQL here in the past. The reason for this is simple: MySQL is what I know. I have always been a die hard “everything in its place and a place for everything” fanatic. I’ll bash Microsoft with the best of them, but I still recognize their place in the market. And now it’s time for me to examine the idea of PostgreSQL And this blog entry about amazon web services is the reason. I don’t claim to exactly agree with everything said here… as a matter of fact I tend to disagree with a lot of it… but I saw “PS: Postgresql seems to win hands down over MySQL in this respect; WAL is trivial to implement with Postgresql)” and thought to myself: “hmm, whats that?” I found the answer in the PostgreSQL documentation on Write Ahead Logging (WAL) and it all made sense! The specific end goal here is Continuous Archiving and Point-In-Time Recovery (PITR). This plus the S3 Infinidisk certainly do make for an interesting concept. One that I am eager to try out! I imagine that the community version of infinidisk would suffice here since we’re not depending on random access here… that ought to make for some chewy goodness!

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