Consolidated update of no real importance

I’ve been working very hard (and very constantly) lately, and as is the case with most technical creators this means that the blog has suffered a lack of posts recently.  This is an attempt not to make up for that, but to fill in the gap with a bit of noise.  I like to think of my blog as a high “signal to noise” ratio kinda place, but desperate times call for desperate measures, right.  I don’t want you all to think I’ve forgotten you.  Actually the first thing I’ve got it solely about you, “the reader” (whoever you are.)

Does anybody know of a WP plugin which allows users to suggest topics.  I love writing, and thinking about problems, but often times I’m far too busy solving lots of problems that I can’t talk about to come up with all new problems to talk about 🙂 (damn NDA’s.)  I would like to encourage a steady stream of ideas from readers, and potential readers.  That doesn’t mean I would actually tackle everything suggested, but it would definitely help me out for those times when my “muse” has left me.

It strikes me that a shout box might be exactly what the doctor ordered here. I’ll try and remember later on to look for one. (preferably with some sort of history, or even an e-mail notification function.)  If those aren’t extant building them in would be pretty easy, I’ll try and pick a decent SB and contribute a patch back.

Another reason for my lack of signal lately is that I’ve finally manage to contract one of the contagious illnesses that my wife brings home. It’s not her fault, mind you, shes an educational professional working with small children so the random viruses flying around are a part of the package.  On the flip side she gets to put up with me being awak at all hours of the night when I get inspiration on how to solve some problem she doesn’t care in the slightest about. So it’s a two way street here :D  But this one has really sunk its teeth into me.  Normally I can work through colds, and the like, (I’ve even been known to work through flu’s without so much as a complaint)  But this time combination with other pressures in my life gave it an opening.  It took full advantage.  Phew!

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