Openfound (cont)

If there’s one thing that the OpenFount guys have shown me is that they’re serious about the Infinidisk product.  Mr. Donahue gave me a quick call this evening (seems my e-mail server and his e-mail server aren’t talking properly, so while I get his communications) he has not received mine (probably explaining the lack of response to my pre-sales inquiry)) to chat about his product. The particular bug that I noticed, he mentioned, was fixed a while ago in a later release than I’d tried.  In my defense the page looks precisely like it did when I first got the product, and the release tar file has no version numbers on it… yet… so I did check for updates.  I found out some good info, though.  They’re working on  putting up a trac page for some real bidirectional community participation soon.  They’ll also be putting version numbers in their archives soon. Both of those things will help, I think, improve their visibility to people like me (who have very very little time.)
I’ll be re-testing the infinidisk product again, later, when next I customize an AMI.

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